Donnie Darko (2001)
This is a solid movie.
The film was shot in 28 days. "Mad World" is a song from British band Tears for Fears and it was remade by composers Michael Andrews and Gary Jules for the film. The movie was released about 6 weeks after the September 11th attacks. The movie had a poor performance at the box office, not quite breaking even financially, but about a year later it started to gain a cult following and became more popular. A sequel was released in 2009 called S. Darko, which is about Donnie's younger sister Sam.
This is one I had to watch twice before I could really appreciate. Now it's a movie I consider a classic.
I saw it several years ago (perhaps when it first came up) and I was expecting it to be creepy like a horror, but it really wasn't. The time twist at the end is interesting to think about.
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