Sunday, July 26, 2009

Secondhand Serenade

I won two tickets through radio station My 99.5’s website to see Secondhand Serenade at the Thanksgiving Point fairgrounds in Lehi. The area is very beautiful and there are a variety of shops and a nice garden. There were a lot of people there, probably several thousand. Many of them looked younger than me and there seemed to be a lot of teenagers. There were a lot of couples. The concert lasted four hours and I went with a friend from church. The first two groups were small bands and I didn’t really like their music. They were Single File and We Shot the Moon (who gave out a free cd).

The second half of the show was much better. The next group was Parachute and I really enjoyed their music. I’m considering whether to buy their album. They are best known for their song, She is Love. They said they will put a picture of the audience up on their Myspace page.

The final group was a solo project by John Vesely called Secondhand Serenade. The title originated because he considered his songs serenades to his wife (now divorced) and everyone else is hearing them second hand. For his second album he hired a band and an orchestra to get the proper sound. He seems like a cool guy based on his interactions with the audience and comments he made about Salt Lake City. He is great on the acoustic guitar and also has a good voice. He is best known for the song Fall for You.


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